
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement

  1. Introductory Statement

    The 小欧视频 is fully committed to adhering to the Modern Slavery Act and issues this statement in relation to the Act.

    We will take necessary action to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business or in our supply chain. We are also committed to take the necessary steps to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to the business.

    As part of our business, we recognise that we have a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in all business activities, and to ensuring, as far as is possible, that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

  2. Organisational Context and Supply Chain

    This statement covers the activities of the 小欧视频 which includes the publishing of journals, magazines, books, events, exhibitions, and websites of the businesses in MA Healthcare Limited, MA Education Limited, MA Business Limited, MA Music Leisure and Travel Limited, MA Exhibitions Limited, and George Warman Publications.

    The Group provides content through journals in all its sectors and organises events through its brands. Its offices are located in the UK. In view of the nature of the Group鈥檚 business we do not consider that our activities or the countries in which we have relationships with present a high risk in relation to modern slavery or human trafficking. We are, nonetheless, committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or our supply chains.

  3. Responsibility and due diligence

    Overall responsibility for updating and implementing this policy is that of the Group鈥檚 HR Director, and in particular creating and reviewing policies by considering industry best practice and adapting it to the requirements of the Group; initiating risk assessments if considered appropriate; and undertaking due diligence should circumstances give rise to potential or suspected instances of modern slavery and human trafficking. We require our employees and those in our business and supply chains to be aware of this policy